Friday, 9 August 2019

Second place in the Arts Illustrated Short Story Contest 2019.

My short story, "The Best View" won the Second Place, and a cash prize of Rs. 3000 in the AI SSC2019. The story is live on the NDTV Mojoart blog.
Read the story here:  OR

here in the Arts Illustrated website:

The contest prompted we write a story inspired by this painting by Aryama Pal:

Friday, 28 June 2019

Friday, 15 March 2019

Monday, 28 January 2019

Sakkare Acchu: Sankranti Sugar Dolls

January brings sweet memories. I wrote about the process of making the Sankranti sakkare acchu for Asiavillenews. Though I had helped my mother with the sole intention of trying to wheedle broken dolls from her, I was immersed in the experience of creating sweet sculptures.

Monday, 14 January 2019

"Bhoota" in the Indian Quarterly Jan-Mar 2019

What a fantastic surprise to see a scene from my short story, "Bhoota" on the cover of The Indian Quarterly. It was a great experience working with them, and I hope to do so again in the future. The print copies are on the stands now.
More information on subscribing for the magazine can be found at

Read it here:

See the beautiful cover here.

Friday, 4 January 2019

An Honorable Mention in the DWL- SSP 2018

What a wonderful way to welcome the New Year. My short story, "Holes" received a Honorary Mention in the prestigious DesiWritersLounge Short Story Prize 2018.
What makes it special are these words: "Jyothi Vinod's writing shows command over craft, and the jury appreciated the story's pacing."

Read the announcement here: